
This page contains links to some of my published and unpublished papers on a variety of topics in the field of psychotherapy and beyond.

You can find more articles on my Substack account


Psychotherapy & Research

Therapists and Academic Writing: “Once upon a time psychotherapy practitioners and researchers were the same people”.  European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy (EJQRP). (2019) Vol. 9, 103-116.

The Gap Between the Academic and the Practitioner in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Problems and Possible Ways Forward. Counselling in Scotland. Spring 2013. ‘pp.4–7.

Bridging the gap between the academic and the practitioner (Unpublished)

Psychotherapy topics

From ‘secular’ to ‘sacred’, from despair to hope: a therapist’s spiritual journey. Thresholds. Summer 2012. pp.14-19.

What are eating disorders really about? a therapist’s case study of self
and the experience of bulimia. Psychotherapy in Australia. 14 (1). November 2007.

Differentiating from Israel  (Published in Australia New Zealand Journal of Fmaily Therapy ANZJFT, 2003, 24, 41-46.)

Political & Other Writings

You can find many of my political writings here

Is Saving Lives an Act of Love? A Psychotherapist’s Perspective on the Roles of Psychotherapy and the Church at a Time of Existential Panic and Beyond.  Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal. Summer 2020 — Volume 4.2. p. 189.)